Friday, October 30, 2020

Quincey Gets Teeth!

 So, back to the sleep issue....

Quincey was doing well but then, out of nowhere, for like a week, she was waking up every two hours.  I thought that we had indulged her too much and we conditioned her to expecting mommy every time she woke up.  I mean, she wasn't drooling incessantly or anything and she seemed fine during the day, so her having imminent teething issues was the last thing I expected.  But then, out of nowhere, she started sleeping better again.

So, one day a couple weeks ago, I just happened to reach in to her mouth to do a random tooth check and, what do you know! Not only did she have 1 tooth but she had 2 teeth!  It all made sense. That's why she was so fussy!  Who knows how long she had her teeth in before I noticed.  She had been sleeping better for about a week.  And, so funny how proud we were of her for getting teeth.  Like she CHOSE to get teeth :)  All day I just couldn't help but beam with pride about our little girl with her big girl teeth.

The other day I was taking the mail out and Quincey was "helping me" by holding it.  We ran into a neighbor and got to talking.  The next thing I know... she had eaten, not gummed off but truly eaten with her two little chompers, part of the mail. Just when we think we have things figured out, we don't.  That little girl is always keeping us on our toes!



Tuesday, October 27, 2020

It Snowed!

Although Quincey hasn't gotten to really experience snow she did get a little taste of it the last couple days.

Yesterday when it started to spit snow, I grabbed the weather protector we recently purchased for her stroller (AKA Jeep) and put it on just in time for us to go on a little walk.

Quincey didn't think much of it and the walk was cut short because I didn't grab gloves for myself and my hands were freezing after pushing the stroller a ways.  But, later that afternoon when it really started to come down, I took her to the front door and she didn't' seem to know what to think and definitely didn't seem to like it.  The white things falling from the sky and making everything cold seem to scare her but, once the snow cleared by morning (10 inches of snow) we ventured out again.  No snow is going to keep us from our walks!

Thanks to her amazing aunties, she had a bundlebaby to keep her warm in her jeep, a Patagonia vest to keep her belly warm, and a fuzzy wool hat to keep her head warm.  We really enjoyed the brisk air!

Sunday, October 18, 2020

The Mighty Mountains

 We love taking our spare time to get out of the city.  For me, it seems essential.  I can literally feel the difference if I have been in the city for too long.  I yearn to get out of town and find quietness.  Actually, it's not even about the quietness, it's more about being around NO PEOPLE!  Growing up in Wyoming, I didn't realize how sensitive I am to all the people all the time.  It's too much, so, when we are able, getting out of town is not just great but AMAZING!

The last couple trips have been nothing short of that.  Joe always seems to find the best spots... And we love to try to get some family photos in as well....


7 Months and Counting

 My little angel is 7 months and, I finally feel like I'm starting to "get" this mother thing.  

This month has definitely been the most rewarding (not that it's all about me but..).  I have felt a sense of fulfillment that I have yet to feel.  

Quincey has started to show her personality more and more every day.  I love the happy and cranky moments more and more every day as well.

In the last month Quincey has gone from a docile baby to an on the move little human.  She can now crawl and loves to find a place she can stand up.  This has become quite time consuming for me.  If I'm not front and center for her, within minutes I hear wailing (usually 3 times a day) where she has stood up, couldn't find a way down and nose dives into our hardwood floor.  As much as I hate the wail, I love picking her up and comforting her.  To see her tears dry up as I hold her just warms my heart beyond belief.  And the best part, no matter where I am, she seems to crawl to me.  Talk about warming a heart! 

In a month, things have gone from trying to keep her content to trying to keep her contained! 

Motherhood is nothing short of amazing!

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Daddy Daycare

 I LOVE Joe working from home.  Let me repeat... I LOVE Joe working from home.  At first, it was a little bit of an adjustment always being in the same place as not long ago we both had full time jobs, but it was not a hard adjustment to get used to.  One of the perks is that if I need to make a quick trip to the store or have something else pop up, usually Joe can take a break and help out with Quincey.  She loves those little bits of time with him throughout the day - little bits that a lot of babies don't ever get with their dads.  He zooms her around the house having her go on "missions" to find sandals for mom.  Okay, sidebar... when he first started zooming her in the air like a rocket he would ask her if she was ready for a mission to some planet or another and then would tell her what her mission was.  He would tell her that it was her job to bring back SAMPLES from those planets but I always thought he was saying SANDALS.  I never thought much of it and always just assumed he picked some random thing for her to "get" on her missions.  I found out later that what he was actually saying all that time was samples, but needless to say, sandals stuck so, she gets to go on missions with papa to collect sandals for momma.  It's kinda become an ongoing joke now that I'm always losing my sandals everywhere and she needs to go get them.   Anyways, this is just one of the fun things papa does with her.  

It's such a blessing that Joe gets to always be home.  

Quincey loves daddy daycare!


Walking, Walking, and More Walking

Since Quincey was born it has been really important for me to get out of the house with her.  I get cabin fever so quick and being a new mom on top of being limited on where I can go with Quincey due to COVID-19, taking a daily walk has been essential.  Plus, before Quincey, for years, I would swim almost a mile every day without fail.  It became part of who I was and something I really took pride in.  So, losing this routine as well as the exercise has been hard and it's made finding a new form of exercise even more important.  

It is one thing that I really look forward to every day.  Our daily walk.

Quincey has what we call her "Jeep".  Her stroller is a jeep brand.  Her papa has a jeep and he wanted Quincey to have her own version of a jeep too so, every day we load up her jeep and walk our neighborhood.

But, now that Quincey has gotten older, it's been fun to make our daily walks more of an outing sometimes so, recently I've been putting her in her carrier strapped to my chest and walking with her that way.  She loves bouncing around on me while we walk and I always try to find a place for us to stop so she can get out and explore her world.  These are some of my favorite pictures from those trips.   

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

To The Park With Friends

 I am so glad that I have met a couple girls here who recently had babies.  It has been so refreshing as a new stay-at-home mom to have a couple girls to share experiences with as we are all going through this new baby thing together.  And how cool it has been to all be pregnant at the same time and watch our babies grow through the same ages.  Swapping stories really does make me feel like I"m not alone on those days that seem harder than others.  

Recently Quincey and I got together with Ericka and Avery.  Avery is 1 month older.  We hadn't seen each other since the babies were 3 months old.  The difference in their interactions together were absolutely amazing.  They were reaching out for each other and at one point Avery got a good enough hold of Quincey that she pulled her over.  It was pretty cute to watch these two together.  The best part was them swinging together.  They both just loved it.

Happy 2nd Birthday to Our Baby!

 From baby to toddler went by waaaayyy too fast.  Like a blink of the eye, our little baby princess is a little toddler.  And she is so darn...