Friday, February 18, 2022

Family Park Time

 Quincey and I go to the park almost every day.  It's always a treat to have papa not working and able to join us!!!

Naughty Quinney!

 I feel like it may just be a right of passage for parents to have their kids color on things they are not supposed to.  Luckily, she hasn't done it again, but we definitely had our run-in with the sharpie PERMANENT marker.  

I was upstairs organizing the sock drawer and I could hear Quincey playing.  She was doing the usual.  Nothing new but then, I started to hear her talking about "goldbug" and I could also hear something on the wall.  I left my bedroom and there she was.... Standing there, with a black permanent marker making gold bugs on the wall!

She got in trouble and luckily we haven't had to deal with it again.  But, truth be told, it was hard to be mad at her.  She was pretty cute and looked oh so innocent when I found her.  She said, "Mama, goldbug!"

Out and About

 We don't get to go anywhere lately because of the Omicron strain of Covid but we sure do still like to get into the outdoors together, as a family, whenever we can.  One of our favorites is a quick trip to the Sandia foothills.  Quincey is now big enough to walk herself and loves to explore.  So, she thinks it's great although mama and papa don't get much exercise because she wants to stop and look at every rock, twig, and leaf.  It's so fun to watch her explore her world, though.

Happy 2nd Birthday to Our Baby!

 From baby to toddler went by waaaayyy too fast.  Like a blink of the eye, our little baby princess is a little toddler.  And she is so darn...