Monday, January 20, 2020

And So It Began!

Once upon a long time ago I had a blog. My, how things have changed since those times.  Recently I picked up that blog book and began to read.... That blog was full of despair, disappointment, and a world so far removed from my current world that I could not NOT create a new blog.  A NEW blog about my NEW world.  I was so appreciative to read that blog because it just reminded me (not that I needed a reminder) that I am literally living my dream.  I'm not sure what I have done to deserve the life I currently have but I get overwhelmed just thinking about it.

Dream # 1: I could create a whole blog dedicated to the subject of my husband.  Joe walked into my life one day 5 years ago and I am a better person for it.  My whole life I have wanted a man that I am just head over heels madly in love with.  A man that gets better and better with every day.  Guess what.... I have him.  I have him and I can seriously not believe how blessed I am by him.  Daily I find myself just in awe about how blessed I am with my husband.  He is my best friend, my biggest cheerleader and the best teammate God could have ever created for me.  I could go on and on but in a nutshell, I am sharing my life with the man of my dreams.  

Dream # 2: And... to put a big fat cherry right on top of it all, I'M ABOUT TO BE A MOTHER!  37 years old now and around age 31 I began to struggle with the real possibility that being a mom may not be a real possibility for me.  I was getting older and year after year seemed to tic by with no movement in that direction.  Throughout my life, I have spent copious amounts of time imagining what it would be like to be a mommy, what my baby would look like, how amazing it would be to look into my husband's eyes and then gaze over to my child's eyes and simply feel completely full; content.  What it would be like to have it all.  However, eventually, I got to the point where I had accepted that this may not be my lot in life.

But, one day, not so long ago I drove to the store and picked up a pregnancy test.  I had been telling my husband for two weeks that I was just completely exhausted and I thought I had breast cancer because they hurt so bad.  After all these years of dreaming about being a mother, when the signs were flashing like neon lights right into my eyes, I was as blind as a bat.  My husband nonchalantly said for those two weeks that I was pregnant but, chances of that were slim as we were not trying yet.  So, after two weeks I decided I'd go waste that hard earned money on a test to confirm what I already knew - not pregnant.  

I got home, popped into the bathroom and then, with no apprehension looked at the test to see that final confirmation.  I remember the moment so clearly.  You know how they say that sometimes it seems as though the world stands still?  Well, the world stood still - real still.  

I was staring at a positive pregnancy test!

And so it began.

Happy 2nd Birthday to Our Baby!

 From baby to toddler went by waaaayyy too fast.  Like a blink of the eye, our little baby princess is a little toddler.  And she is so darn...