Sunday, January 2, 2022


 This years Christmas was so wonderful.  I'm not sure I"ll ever get used to having no snow for Christmas but, besides that, it went off without a hitch!

It was such a good day.  Quincey understood the idea behind opening up presents and really enjoyed that.  She loved all of her presents.  This year, her favorite goes to a big jug of beads she got from Auntie Dessa.  And what a mess they are!  She takes the whole jug and dumps out hundreds of beads that mama has to clean up from all over the house later.  There are these certain little ones she loves the most that she calls her raspberry beads.  

We had such a nice day.  

All in all, this holiday season has been so fun, relaxing, and full of love and laughter!

The Beans

 Since Quincey was big enough to walk, she has loved to find what we call beans.  There is one certain area at the park we go to daily that has a bunch of them.  She will squat there finding all the beans she can.  They are actually seeds.  She also knows what the seed pods look like and when she spots them, (they are all over,) she rounds them up and has mama or papa get all the beans out.

For over a year now, my house constantly has a bean in the corner, stuck in the carpet, in the bath tub, etc.

I'll miss it when she no longer cares about her precious beans.

Christmas Tree Hunting

 What an absolutely amazing time we had Christmas tree hunting this year.  Joe researched a good spot in our favorite mountains, Jemez Mountains, and we took off the day after Thanksgiving to go find our perfect tree.  

Last year, we didn't really like the location or the trees available but this year, both were perfect.

We couldn't have asked for a better day for it.  There was some snow on the ground but it was still nice outside and there was plenty of areas baby safe for Quincey to explore.  And, to top it all off, right around the bend, was the perfect tree!  I mean, definitely our best tree yet.  

Quincey still talks about the pond we found that was covered in ice and how we threw rocks through the ice and it made "a big splash!"

Such a great family tradition.

Happy 2nd Birthday to Our Baby!

 From baby to toddler went by waaaayyy too fast.  Like a blink of the eye, our little baby princess is a little toddler.  And she is so darn...