Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Grandpa Comes to Visit!!!

 I was so blessed to grow up with such amazing parents and, although I miss my mom something fierce, I am so grateful for the quality time I recently got to have with my dad.  He drove all the way here to see us.  And, he brought presents...  He made Quincey a wagon full of blocks that he also made.  Quincey is a little too young to get into the blocks much but she LOVES being pulled around in the wagon.  She has such a great time in it.  

And then, my dad also helped us put up a fence in our backyard to keep Quincey safe.  Our backyard had so many weird things going on with it when we bought it.  One of which is these weird posts that stick up.  And beyond them, like an 8 foot drop off to an area that we do know was made to park an RV.  So, before she goes running a hundred miles and hour and disappears over the edge, a fence needed to go up and there's no better helping hand (and capable) then my dad!  The fence looks AMAZING!  I couldn't believe how good it turned out.  

I was tasked with sanding all the fence posts and the sand kept getting in my eyes and I kept breathing it in. The goggles Joe gave me were insufficient.  

On day 3 Quincey finally warmed up to Ol' Grandpa and was bringing him books to read, sitting on his lap, and much more friendly.  

We also got to spend some time in the mountains.  It was great to get out of the city for a bit.

It warms my heart like nothing else I've ever felt to see my parents (dad) with my own child.  For years and years and years (like 29 to be exact) I have watched my parents be grandparents to all my sisters kids and FINALLY, I get to see my dad light up for my own child.  Nothing like it.  I hated to see him leave and cried when he did.  Any time with him is precious time.

Family Photos

 FINALLY!  We got some professional photos taken and I couldn't be happier with them.  There are 159 photos that we own that are all just darling.  Was so hard to pick some favorites but here are a few.

Our Favorite Mountain Spot

 We took a day away from yard work and went to the mountains.  To our favorite spot with our favorite tree.  The tree was the same but Quincey has very much changed.  And.... she would not cooperate for a photo!  Little stinker.  She just wanted to get down and explore her world.

Back Yard Renovations

 Over the past couple of months we have been BUSY renovating the backyard.  All our spare time seems to go to pulling out railroad ties,breaking up brick patios, planting new trees, assembling new patio furniture, and finally, getting topsoil to spread ALL OVER so we can plant grass.  

As you can imagine, this means that there is always a muddy mess of some sort outside which finds its way into my house daily.  And the culprit... a little one named Quincey.  She absolutely loves to be in the dirt and likes it even more when its mud.  I decided early on that I wasn't going to chase her around and try to avoid the dirt so instead, we embrace it and Quincey couldn't be happier.  I can't say she's been the best helper (although she tries) but rather we have had to get really good at working around her.  It's so fun to watch her explore her world and enjoy the outside and soon.... she will have a beautiful lawn full of grass and absent of mud to run around it.

Happy 2nd Birthday to Our Baby!

 From baby to toddler went by waaaayyy too fast.  Like a blink of the eye, our little baby princess is a little toddler.  And she is so darn...