Monday, September 21, 2020

Quincey Makes Her Debut Public Appearance

 There have been a lot of transitions and changes in our lives lately.  Within the last 8 months here are a few:

We bought a new house.  Yes, we bought a beautiful big home to start our little family in, but with buying a home comes the stress of simply buying the home and then the added stress of moving. Being 8 months pregnant and moving was not fun but we got it done.

Then, I quit my job.  I have had a job since I was 15 years old.  I remember my mom constantly harping on me when I was 15 that I needed to get a job.  I procrastinated and procrastinated, not because I didn't want a job but because I didn't want to ask for a job.  But, finally one day she showed up at school and told me she was taking me to Luerders.  She waited outside as I walked in and asked for a job.  Since that day, I have always had a job.  I went a week after high school graduation without a job, and about two months after coming home from Indonesia without a job.  And about the same amount of time without one when I first moved to New Mexico.  Besides, that, I have always had a job.  So, quitting my job and finding myself standing in this big new home alone during the day was actually a heck of an adjustment!

Then we had a baby!  Need I say more about adjustments and transitions.  This one was a doozy!

Then COVID happened.

Then Joe started working from home.  This was probably the easiest transition for me.  To have him home all the time means that I am never alone and, well, he's my best friend so it's been pretty easy.

I the midst of all of this, probably one of the hardest adjustments of all was not being able to go anywhere.  I have never been a sedative person and since I was a little girl I have always been on the move.  Some of the biggest fights my mom and I ever had was before I could drive and me begging her to take me somewhere and her just not wanting to leave the house.  

Having a baby has naturally curved some of this but having a global pandemic brought going anywhere to a screeching stop.  And, although a lot of families have found a new normal, we have continued to be very cautious about where we go, who we see, and especially where Quincey goes.  So, she has literally not been in a public location except the dr's office and I had to once make a beeline to the bathroom at a gas station with her in tow when we were coming home from Greeley but, besides that, she has not been in public.  

This has been hard for me.  Especially now that she is older and easier to pack around, I really would love to take her to the grocery store with me or peruse through Target together but, I haven't gotten to.

However, we took our first baby step with Quincey this weekend and went to a nursery with her to check out the plants and trees.  I was so excited! And, it was just as fun as I thought it would be.  

Quincey got her first purchase... A peacock feather that she carried through the whole store.  

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