Friday, October 1, 2021

Apples Apples and MORE Apples!

We have an apple tree in our backyard and, this summer, it was Quincey's favorite snack.  She would walk around the backyard and say "Ap" over and over.  Now it's the end of the summer and she knows how to say "apple" but, for most of the summer, she walked around with an "ap" in her hands.  She learned the difference between the ick ick ones with worm holes in them and the good ones.  But, throughout the whole summer, she never actually ate the apples.  She loved the flavor but apparently didn't enjoy the crunch because she would bite little chunks off the apple, suck the juice and spit out the piece.  Needless to say, all summer long there has been little chunks of apple all over the patio, lawn, and yes inside the house.  Her half eaten apples are everywhere!  They can be found in her sandbox, in buckets outside, and wherever else she thinks is clever.  

There were so many apples that mommy and daddy got in on the apple action and decided to play apple baseball.  Quincey loved watching them explode all over the place.

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