Sunday, December 20, 2020

Quincey Turns Nine Months Old!

 For nine months I grew this little bug in my belly (well, actually 9 months and 4 days) and for nine months now she has been out of my belly!  

I must say, it's much funner having her out than it was having her in but, it's also A LOT more work.

I know I've said this before but we just can't get enough of her.  This month she has learned how to stand up and, although she hasn't taken her first step yet, she will stand there forever!  She loves to stand with a toy or clothing in her hand and swing it all over the place all while screaming.  Yes, that's the other thing she has learned this month, that her voice has different volume levels and, although she hasn't used it negatively, the sounds in our home have intensified!  

She loves to have either papa or mama on the floor crawling with her.  She thinks it's the funnest thing to crawl around together like a little wolf pack.  My knees have bruises from being on the floor with her. 

Other things she loves... Baby Einstein.  When all else fails, Baby Einstein saves the day!... Crawling into bed with mama and papa in the morning, going on her daily walks with mama, chasing the vacuum cleaner, getting in the pool (hot tub), playing in the bath tub, watching the washing machine, and crawling up stairs, oh, and she loves being naked!  She thinks it's the coolest thing to get to crawl around in her birthday suit and really gets silly when she's crawling around naked!

She still isn't the biggest fan of eating unless Baby Einstein is on to distract her, nor does she like to take her naps although she falls asleep great and sleeps much longer than she used to.  She really doesn't like going in the car either.  This is likely a side effect to rarely going anywhere due to Covid.  I don't think she ever got used to being in a car seat but, she will stomach it for a while.  

And finally, she got another tooth.  That makes 3!

We love out little bug more and more every day.

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