Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Quincey's First Christmas Tree

 Christmas is almost here!  And, not just any Christmas but Quincey's very FIRST Christmas.  Of course we decided it is never too early to start creating memories as a family and establishing holiday traditions.  So, we went to the Jemez mountains to find our perfect Christmas tree that we could cut down and claim as our own.  Quincey wore her special elf outfit because she was our little helper all day!

Joe had never actually cut down his own Christmas tree and I had never actually bought a Christmas tree growing up.  We always went to the woods to get ours.  I had to smile when Joe pointed out the his first potential tree.  It was HUGE!  I told him it was too big.  I mean, relative to the trees surrounding it, it was just fine but once he digested the idea of hauling that tree home and in our front door, he ventured on.  

There weren't an over abundance of trees to pick from, especially because I didn't want a long needle tree.  Joe finally found another he really liked.  The only downside was that there was only one trunk but shortly up it, the tree split in to two.  It was also a big one but not near as big as the first.  So, we ventured around a little bit more, found a nice little guy, but I left the final decision up to Joe.  Of course he opted for the more challenging, split tree on the side of the cliff.  We grabbed the chainsaw and headed to take it down.

Quincey was such a trooper.  She never once whined until the very end when she was cold and hungry.  She loves being in the outdoors and we love taking her there.  

But, our little elf was a pooped little elf by the end of the trip!

So Joe lugged the tree back to the vehicle and strapped er' down.  

He ended up having to cut off a bunch of the trunk to leave in the woods and didn't tell me until we were on the way home that we essentially now had two separate trees because he cut the part of the trunk off that held them together.  I was a tad worried but knew that his ingenuity would kick in and he would come up with something.  His something.... bungie ties!!! You would never even know it.  

We ended up with a beautiful tree.  We turned on the lights for Quincey and she just sat there staring at it.  She loves the tree.  We did, however, have to hang the ornament just a little higher to keep them out of reach.  

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