Saturday, November 7, 2020

Why the Trash?

 A little thing that I know I will forget as the years tick by but I want to remember...

Quincey loves the trash.  Or the plastic liner around the trash.  In fact, up until recently that darn trash can in our kitchen has caused Quincey many tears.  Before she could crawl, I always put her in her walker (AKA patrol car) when I'm doing the dishes or cooking etc. and she, for months now, would zoom over to the trash can and try her hardest to reach the liner but, up until the last couple weeks, her arms have been short enough to keep that infamous trash can liner just out or reach which always resulted in much frustration and many tears.  No matter how much I would try to divert her attention, it was a no go.  Trash can liner or nothing.

Finally... she has gotten big enough to reach it.  But, now that she can crawl (no baby walker is necessary anymore)  she crawls right over to it, and crawls up the trash can to hold onto that darn liner.

The good news... I have found something to distract her from the dirty trash.  The PANTRY!

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