Monday, November 30, 2020

Quincey's First Thanksgiving

 Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and I was so excited for Quincey to have her first Thanksgiving but, I would have been pretty bummed if it wasn't spent with  family. I mean, the reason that it's my favorite holiday is because of all the warm memories that my family has made over the years all being jammed into the same loud house with kids steaking through it, moms trying to cook, and the guys trying to stay sane.  I absolutely love it and was so excited when the Logan's took us up on our offer to host thanksgiving here in ABQ.  So, with bated breath and A LOT of anticipation, the Logan's finally arrived on Tuesday morning.  And by morning, I mean MORNING.  Grace was so excited to get here to see Quincey that they decided to leave Monday evening at 7pm and so they arrived in at 3am on Tuesday.  That didn't stop Grace from getting up early so squeeze little Quincey and play play play.  Quincey was so thrilled to see Auntie Grace.  It really warmed my heart.  She rarely sees anyone but me and her papa because of COVID and I've been worried that she would struggle with new people.  But, it took her no more than a minute or two to realize who Auntie was.  Like she really knew who she was.  Grace is obsessed and marco polos (a video app) with Quincey at least once a day and if that daily marco polo doesn't come through, I hear about it!  So, Quincey is really used to hearing Grace's voice and she was so happy to see her.  She crawled all over her and couldn't quit smiling.  

We had such a good time.  There were two moments when I felt so full.  Like a fullness I have never felt before.  I literally felt like  I wanted to bubble over.  Quincey is finally on enough of a schedule that I am not constantly a walking zombie, my new house is starting to feel like a home, and being able to be in the moment and really truly just enjoy this Thanksgiving made me feel so full and happy that I literally went around hugging everyone at one point.  

Grace had gone to a second hand store for me in Greeley to get clothes for Quincey.  It couldn't come quick enough.  Quincey is such a weed and growing so quick that, although she is not yet 9 months old, she is almost outgrowing her 9 month old clothes and, because of (once again) Covid, I don't get to go out shopping for her so I was super excited for Grace to go shopping for me!  We got probably $1000 worth of clothes for under $200.  Every day I am just loving picking an outfit for her.  I always wanted a baby girl because I wanted to dress her in cute outfits and i don't take that for granted, not one day!

Gideon had his birthday while they were here and Jason's was on the day they left so of course I had to make them a cake.  I was so happy it turned out good and everyone loved it.

During their stay, Quincey just soaked up all the different faces, sounds, and snuggles she could handle.  We went on our daily walks, even ventured to the Oxbow Restoration Site and found a rope swing, played TONS of Mario, enjoyed killing each other on Among Us, played cards, and had a fabulous Thanksgiving dinner.

Everyone helped with Thanksgiving Dinner..  Joe made his traditional apple pie.  We were all worried.  He was having so much for making it that he chose not to measure anything and went rouge making the crust.  I mean, we gave him my mom's famous recipe for the crust which requires very little stirring and instead we hear him in the kitchen with the beater on high mixing all the ingredients for it but, we were all impressed with how good it turned out.  Everyone else pitched in and we had a great feast.  

And speaking of food.  I have come along ways and am quite proud of myself.  Living alone for so many years left my meals up to the nearest fast food joint but, since being married and especially since having Quincey, I have really taken a liking to cooking.  Of course, I rely completely on Joe as my taste tester.  But, this last week I couldn't help but smile with every meal I made.  For example, Gideon said that the breakfast omelet I made was the best he has ever had in his life, Grace couldn't stop talking about how good the fajitas were that I made, Joe said that the birthday cake was so moist and good, the dumplings I made for the soup turned out better than Grace has ever been able to get them to turn out, the turkey was AMAZING and so juicy.  In fact, Jason said that the white meat was probably better than the dark because of how juicy and flavorful it was, I made egg in the hole bread for Grace and Jason and both were really impressed with it and just LOVED it, and even sweet Afton said that she loved the way I made her favorite... sweet potatoes.  

I was just so proud of myself for how far I have come.

Finally, a thanksgiving post wouldn't be a thanksgiving post without posting some of the things I am thankful for...  

I am thankful for my husband.  His unconditional patience and love is more than I deserve.  I am so thankful that he is a hard worker and supports us not just financially but emotionally.  Our world wouldn't go around with him. 

I am thankful for my healthy daughter.  I am thankful for her cute toes, he spunky personality, her silly hairs on her head, her shaking lips when she cries, he fake cough when she laughs, her squishy orsh that i can't get enough of, her happy spirit, her little belly, and wobbly knees, and her perfect snuggles.

I am thankful for the opportunity to be a mother.  I am so thankful for this.

I am thankful for health, especially this year.

And I am thankful for all my family as well.  From my sisters who are my best friends to my mom and dad who are the best mom and dad in the world.  But also, I am so thankful to my new extended family.  I am so proud to be a Schroeder and so glad I have been blessed with amazing parents in law.  

God is Good!

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