Tuesday, February 16, 2021

First Airplane Ride and First Airplane Toy

 Quincey got to take her first airplane ride!  She did phenomenal.  She slept from take off to touch down on both flights to Wyoming.  But, wasn't thrilled with sleeping on the very last flight home.  Oh well!  

She got her "first set of wings" from the stewardess.  Her favorite, though, was walking up and down the long corridors in the airports.  She has never had that much inside open space to cruise around on her new walking feet.  She loved it and went up and down and up and down.  She also loved all the people.  She would pass one person, turn to follow them and then another person would pass in the other direction and she would turn to follow them until she just decided to do her own thing. All in all, Quincey is a great traveler!

Then, during our stay in Wyoming, we were hanging out in my dad's shop and I told Joe that he should build Quincey a toy.  And... within a half an hour, Quincey had all the pieces necessary to glue together a wooden airplane.  Papa is the best!  But, Quincey hasn't really gotten to play with it much because her dad seems to think it's pretty cool and has since made a stand for it and put it in his office.  Oh well!  She liked it for the few minutes she got to play with it! :)

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