Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Quincey turns 11 Months Old

 And already, another post about another month gone by!  So crazy how quickly things go with a baby.  Just like that Quincey turned 11 months old!

Things she loves: She loves to flip through books.  She will sit forever and just flip through book after book.  She also loves to have books read to her.  She loves her papa.  She has been a daddy's girl lately.  She loves dirt piles and sticks.  She loves olives and cheese sticks.  She absolutely loves playing outside as well. She still goes on her daily walks and she loves them.  She also gets to be in the park most days.  And of course, she continues to love Baby Einstein.

Things she doesn't like: She doesn't like going to take naps.  She doesn't like being fed.  She will eat pretty much anything but she has to feed it to herself.  She absolutely hates being fed. She doesn't like getting dressed or getting her diaper changed.  And, she doesn't like being put down.

Quincey continues to light up our lives with joy.  But, she has started to go through the check list of what will work to get her way.  For example, she has been pretty clingy lately and when she has to be put down, she will plop to the ground and "fake cry".  It's not quite what I would call a fit but is definitely an attempt to get her way.  It came out of nowhere and we're doing our best to tackle it.  So far, ignoring her when she does this works quite well.  Eventually she will get up and mosey off to the next thing.  

She gained 3 more teeth this month totally 7 now.  It seemed like it happened over night.  I hadn't noticed any new teeth and one night she cried for 3 hours sleep and the next day I saw that she had 3 more teeth.  Wowzers!

All in all, Quincey continues to be such a good girl! She may be testing us a little bit but she is a quick learner and is usually full of smiles.  She is getting so much more personality and it's so amazing to watch her become her own little person.  

I still can't believe that she's ours- that this cute, snuggable, kissable, amazing little thing of love is ours!

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