Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Fun In The Snow

 Quincey has gotten to travel to Wyoming 3 times in the last couple months and one thing that we noticed during her first trip is that she seemed to love the snow and definitely did not mind the cold.  But, we didn't have the proper snow gear for her to truly play in it.  So, we remedied that and got her the "Big 5" as Auntie Dessa's kids would call it.... Snow pants, coat, gloves, boots, and hat.  We were prepared when we returned to Newcastle.  Quincey had a BLAST and didn't want to come in.  We were freezing but she was happy as could be.  In fact, my sisters took her outside because, while I was catching up on some Z's, she was stomping with her foot at the back door and grabbing her snow boots.  So, they took her out to play.  Such good Aunties!

Then, papa decided that she needed a sled and was able to find one in Newcastle. Quincey was hilarious on it.  She had no idea what to think of it and sat in it like a frozen statue.  She didn't move.  Didn't even rotate her head to look around when papa pulled her in it.  She couldn't figure out what was going on and if she should like it or not so, mama got in and showed that it wasn't so bad after all.  We were finally able to get a smile out of her but, I think her favorite was still just walking around in the snow, watching it fall around her, and pushing it around with her gloves.  

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